Jamaica, Yachts and Levi Roots

The Jamaica Tourist Board kindly invited me down to the naming ceremony of the country’s yacht entry in the clipper round the world race and I had a cracking time learning more about the event.

I’m not much of a sailor but my own sailing experience is memorable for all the wrong reasons. As a kid my primary school took our class out on the local reservoir for sailing lessons. Thinking back it was a fantastic opportunity for us. We were all from the inner city and many of my classmates were not well off.

It must have been some sight. Thirty of us drifting off in different directions in plastic objects that looked like bath tubs! Anyway somehow I manage to sink one of these things. I drifted off into the middle of the reservoir and the instructors needed to send across a team to save me. It was terrifying.

Despite my poor showing I eventually got to give the big boat a go. Well, the reality was I sat and watched the pros do their thing and was given some rope to hold… I was blown away, even at that young age, by the skill involved in moving one of those boats in the way they could. We were whizzing about the place! So I’ve got nothing for love for the crew taking that yacht around the globes choppy waters.

It was also awesome to bump into my twitter buddy – the exceptionally talented – Doc Brown (pictured above) and his lovely wife at the event. Like myself he has Jamaican roots, so it was great talking about JA and it’s immense offerings.

Entrepreneur and general ledge, Levi Roots was in the place too. Interestingly he’s sponsoring a Jamaican diver who is attempting to make his way to the Rio Olympics in 2016… I’ll definitely be keeping an eye on his progress. Great to see Levi helping others realize their dreams. Nothing but love for him.

– For further information on the clipper round the world race and Jamaica’s involvement go to – https://www.clipperroundtheworld.com/newsitem/jamaica-get-all-right